Monday, August 1, 2011

What I would do different

We stayed in 28 separate places in 9 weeks time. A lot of fuel was used to make this trip.
With a lot of moving around it is hard to keep any routine. It was great to visit these places and we will always have the memories. Would we do it again? Not for 9 weeks! I am glad to have somewhat of a normal life again. And if anyone is interested in buying a camper here is the ad on Craigslist-

In case anyone is interested here are some lists.

Places we stayed: (put my favorites in bold)
Roger's driveway Ponte Vedra, FL,
James Island Cty Park, Chas., SC,
Wilmington, NC KOA,
The Hornthal's driveway Elizabeth City, NC,
Assateague State Park, MD,
Tuckahoe State Park, MD,
Aunt Marilyn and Uncle John's driveway Malvern, PA,
Francis Slocum State Park, PA,
Woodford State Park, VT,
Meredith, NH, Blackberry Crossing National Park, NH,
Sugarloaf State Park, NH,
Quechee State Park, VT,
Country Village RV Park, Brandon, VT,
Button Bay State Park, VT,
N. Beach City Park Burlington, VT,
Montreal Canada KOA,
Wellesley Island State Park, 1000 Island, NY,
Fair Haven State Park, NY,
Letchworth State Park, NY,
Four Mile Creek State Park, NY,
Clearwater RV Park, OH,
Ceasar's Creek State Park, OH,
Hueston Woods State Park, OH,
Winton Woods County Park, Cincy, OH,
Morris Dam State Park, Knoxville, TN,
John and Leslie Irvine's driveway, Atlanta, GA,
James Island County Park, SC Again!

Naps were few and far between.
Bedtime was somewhere between 9-10:30pm.
Showers were not a priority everyday.
Fresh food was not always available.
Cooking on campground grills was a challenge.
I threw away sippy cups after a few weeks and bought new ones. Hard to get dishes clean w/o dishwashers. We went thru a dozen boxes of goldfish and cheez-its.
We did a good job at avoiding fast food most days on the road.
Rest areas are a great place to picnic. Good people watching too.

Some things we brought but didn't use;
sleeping bags
board games
weather radio
camp lamp
extra plates, bowls, cups- only needed 1 per person
jump rope

Things I found helpful;
hand sanitizer
quarters for laundry
movies for kids and portable dvd player
stickers for kids
maps and guidebooks from AAA
heavy duty bug spray
citronella candles
folding chairs
astro turf rug and door mat
headlamps to read at night
phone chargers
jog stroller
afterbite lotion and benadryl spray
wine and beer
ziplocks in all sizes

Monday, July 25, 2011

Home at Last! I will put one more blog with our lists of what I would not do again.

Cooper River Bridge at sunset.

Finally made it home after a wonderful visit in Charleston seeing old friends. We were lucky to get back out on the Harbor for a sunset sail before we left.

First mate Barclay. That is a sailboat behind him not horns!


Our hosts Joyce and Wayne.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You call this camping?

I wish I had time to photograph all the funny things we saw at campsites. There were times I thought someone would get suspicious so I refrained. The campgrounds made for great people watching. Who needed TV when you had this. RVers are so serious about their rigs and set ups. Tent campers are more our style I am convinced. But who could have done that for 2 months?

Solution to the heat wave?

Who needs this much wood in July?

Convenient shopping for groceries. I loved rolling the cart right up to the door.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back in the South

Our Atlanta relatives that put us in a real bed for a few days! I know their neighbors were glad when we moved the camper off the street.

Free reggae concert at our campground in Charleston. Don't think the singer is from Jamaica.

Folly friends

Ready for a cruise around Charleston Harbor.

Shem Creek

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hacked in Ohio

I learned a very valuable lesson. Beware of using wifi in unsecured areas. Some of the campgrounds offer free wifi and I of course was all over that. Somewhere at an Ohio campsite I was hacked. I have changed passwords, etc. now.

Other things I have learned on this trip: Coffee and alcohol are essential, do not leave food outside at night, I am a better fire builder than my husband, always have quarters on hand, my husband is an excellent camper backer, folding clothes is pointless, why take a shower everyday......
I had my first Skyline Chili in Cincy.

We made it to a few friend's places while in Cincinnati.

Old friend from Cincy.

Somewhere off  I-75 in Tennessee we planned a pit stop to see friends while we were headed South to Atlanta and they were headed North back to Cincinnati.

Jeff, you've been replaced.

We finally made it to my brother-in-law's house in Atlanta. Barclay now has lots of attention from the girls!

Lots of fun with friends at the pool in Atlanta.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ohio at it's finest

Near Jamestown, Ohio.

Brotherly love

Craziness. How many people are staying at this site?

View of Cincinnati from the Museum at the Union Terminal

Sunday, July 10, 2011

NY photos

The sailors before the Wednesday night race (Open Bic boat). Crystal Beach, Ontario. (Tilly, the dog, stayed onshore)

My view of the race from Debbie's sofa. I snuck in to put my feet up.

Barclay's new best friend Penny.

Crystal Beach

If no one eats my cooking then there is more room for cake and ice cream!

Sunset at Thousand Islands

Sunset at Thousand Islands
Wellesley Island, NY