Thursday, June 30, 2011

Back in the Good Ol' USA - Upstate New York

After 3 fun, but wet days in Montreal, we drove south along the St Lawrence Seaway toward the New York border.  The fertile soil of this valley is perfect for growing crops, as there were non-stop farms with heavy equipment dotting the countryside. 

No problems with border this time.

Canadian span of the Thousand Islands bridge.

Our next stop was the 1000 Islands Region, which is on the St Lawrence Seaway just east of Lake Ontario.  This area has a long history as a playground for the rich and famous.  A 3-hour boat tour gave us more incite into the area.  Large private island estates and castles were often owned by the heirs of inventors and entreprenuirs, such as McNally (maps), Singer (sewing), Emery (Lucky Strikes cigarettes), and Boldt (hotels).   Barclay's favorite castle was built by the inventor of Lifesavor Candy.  For a mere $14 million, country singer Alan Jackson recently purchased a gigantic estate along the river.
Boat Cruise around the 1000 Islands to Boldt castle.

Frontenac Post Office
Smallest "official" Island in the Chain

Smallest International island

We toured the largest and most extravegent island estate, Boldt Castle.  George Boldt immigrated as child from Germany in the mid 1800's, with only his shirt on his back.  A gregarious and driven man, he married a wealthy bride and continued to build the family fortune in the hotel industry in New York City.  His most well known jewel is the Walforf Astoria.  After buying many islands in the 1000 Island chain, he hired a staff of 300 to build a castle, remenisent of his favorite childhood castle in Germany, for his wife.  Three years into a 4 year construction timeline, George's wife unexpectedly died.  He ordered all work stopped and did not return.  The castle was completed years later and is owned by the Bridge Authority Organization.

Leaving Boldt Castle on Heart Island

Boldt Castle

While camping in the Wellesley Island State Park, we enjoyed many hikes and bike rides along rocky bluffs overlooking the river.   

Fishing off Wellesley Island

Last night, the sunset and perfect temperature beckoned us to a rocky point where Barclay tried his hand at fishing for the first time.  Although no fish were caught, he was excited to take control of the pole.
Jeff  Irvine

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Montreal great city but what's up with all the rain

Old Montreal
Made it into Canada by sweet talking the border woman. We forgot the registration for the camper and Barclay's birth certificate wasn't a certified copy. I read in the AAA book it only had to be a copy. Hope we can get back into The US!
Old Montreal is so European with it's cobblestone streets and sidewalk cafes. Everyone speaks French. It was fun translating signs for my husband. I should have had some real fun with that. The rain was on and off all weekend. It rained out what could have been a big day since it was a holiday. St Jean Baptiste celebration and then a Jazz fest that looked a little soggy. We found a Biodome to get away from the rain. Awesome display of ecosystems. Of course the penguins are always the favorites.

Chinatown was only a few blocks from Old Montreal and only a few blocks wide itself. It had gates like the Chinatown in San Francisco. I did not see Nigerians selling fake Coach and Gucci purses and Rolex watches.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Burlington, VT: I miss Wavy Gravy

Lake Champlain looking toward NY

Church Street, Burlington, VT
 We are enjoying Burlington, Vermont. Our camper is parked just North of downtown so we can ride our bikes to the parks, restaurants, bars(I wish) and shops. Church Street is a nice area to walk around since it is blocked off from driving. Many choices to eat and shop. Probably more of a tourist trap but I was able to get a little retail therapy in and some chinese dumplings form a street vendor. Took a long bike ride around the town and passed thru Ethan Allen's homestead and the Univ. of Vermont's campus. Monster hills to bike but all worth it.

Today it was off to see my old friends Ben and Jerry in Waterbury, VT. Took the tour which was perfect since it lasts less than 30 mintues and you end of with a free sample at the end. The sample was Late Night Snack. It has some caramel and chocolate covered potato chips in it. Fabulous! I did ask why Wavy Gravy was put to rest and was told it was too expensive to make with the Brazil nuts, cashews and caramel. Glad to know it wasn't because it didn't taste good because it was my favorite. It even had a tye-dye colored container. Went to the flavor graveyard to pay my respects and Wavy Gravy was not even there. I wonder how the actual man feels about his flavor going to the graveyard?   The Nerve! Read about him

Flavor Graveyard at Ben and Jerry's Factory

New Flavors coming your way

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beautiful Vermont

Woodstock, VT

Sabra Field artist extraordinaire


Now back in Vermont and the weather has greatly improved. Blue skies and perfect temperatures. We ventured over toward Woodstock, VT. There is no argument from me why it is called one of the small beautiful towns in America. We were lucky enough to visit one of VT’s well known artists at her studio and home. She lives outside of Woodstock in a small village that is the ideal setting for an artist or writer. Barclay had a great time feeding her fish in the back pond and checking out the creek that ran along the property. VT is definitely the Green State!
Our campsite was at Quechee Gorge SP. The state parks have been so nice here. Bathrooms cleaner than at home! There are no electric sites at VT state parks. But who needs A/C here? We moved on to a private campsite where everyone seemed to know each other. They were all seasonal people that stay there on weekends or for the whole summer. One couple just sold their house in St. Pete and are now fulltime on the road.  One night was all we could handle here. A wonderful stop in Middlebury for lunch and wifi at a coffee shop. After a few melt downs we were out of there. The coffee shop was full of students and professors, only our small child that was getting antsy!

Barclay on a date with Maggie. Who wouldn't want a girl with a purple monster truck?
Lake Champlain south of Burlington, VT. Gorgeous. Views of the Adirondacks over the lake. The Button Bay SP was packed with families for Father’s Day weekend and a fishing tournament. Great pool but too cold for our FL blood. Barclay was excited to see so many kids. They all had bikes and scooters. Wish we had brought his scooter. 

Button Bay Lake Champlain

Looking across Lake Champlain to the Adirondacks

Campsite at Button Bay SP.

Farm Barn at Shelburne

On our way into Burlington we stopped at Shelburne Farms. What a great place for kids. It could have been a full day of petting animals and watching some get fed, sheared, milked, etc. Several animals had babies since May. The farm was built in the 1880’s as a model architectural farm. The wife of the owners was part of the Vanderbilt family so you can see it is not like most farms you think of.

These goats were born less than 24 hrs ago.

This looks like a fun game. Guess what is in the containers? Gross.


First milking for the new baby goats.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Shiver Me Timbers in New Hampshire

Arrived just before sunset at our first campground in the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshires famed mountain range.   We had thoughts of excitement and anticipation thinking of the next four days roaming the biggest, baddest mountains in New England.   With the sun quickly setting, we jogged with Barclay down the road to enjoy the Blackberry Crossing Covered Bridge.  

Covered Bridge Crossing, White Mountains

The Plan was to hike several trails in New Hamphire's famed White Mountain National Forest, so we purchased the book entitled 'The 50 Best Hiking Trails in the White Mountains'.  As luck would have it, we encountered three days of chilly rain and temps falling into the 40's.  We moved on to plan B, trying to relax in a moist, cramped camper while Barclay bounced off the tin walls.  Deep in the woods of national forest campgrounds, including Blackberry Crossing and Sugar Loaf, we had no amenities or modern-day distractions for the little man.  The best we could offer him was an outhouse potty down the path.  Wow, what an adventure!  

Mt Washington, 2nd highest peak in the East, hiding behind the clouds

Susan suspiciously came down with a nasty cold, so Barclay and I had to fend for ourselves.   On day 4, the skies finally cleared, allowing Barclay and I to happily venture out on a 6 mile hike up the Zealand Trail.  My energetic hiking partner did extremely well; although we didn't stumble upon turtles or deer he wished for, we did see captivating mountain views and water falls.  Meanwhile, back in the trailer, Susan wrapped up her third novel.      
- Jeff

Mountain Waterfalls were everywhere
Excited to see a Moose!
Hiking partners on Zealand Trail in the White Mountains

Monday, June 13, 2011

Biker week in New Hampshire so head for the hills

Storm over Lake Winnepesaukee, NH

Went through Keene, Concord and along the South and West side of Lake Winnepesaukee until a storm stopped us in our tracks for awhile. Saw Biker Week was getting ready to descend upon us so we headed away from the lake as soon as we could. Spent the night at a campground in Meredith. The next morning before the Harleys came rumbling in we took off for my old friend Phillip's on Squam Lake. He was my neighbor in Charleston and then his family moved to NH to a beautiful horse farm several years ago. Their farm takes care of retired NYC police horses among other horses.   

Philip and Spencer

Horses expecting a snack?

House for sale in Sandwich, NH. Looks like Bates Motel?

We are always searching for the moose.
 The drive along Squam Lake to The White Mountain National Forest was pretty with old houses nestled among the pines and the lake. East of Conway were a few National Park campsites. They are very primitive. No showers or extras. We at least can take showers on the camper but it is nice to stretch out in a real shower. With rain in the forecast we did not get to hike but instead drove around the West side of the National Forest as far as Jackson. Quaint towns that have too many inns and restaurants for the amount of visitors we saw. Maybe Summer and Ski season picks up a bit.

Friday, June 10, 2011

NY to VT

After driving thru the Hudson River Valley we arrived in Bennington, VT. Lovely town and with Revolutionary War history.
Battle of Bennington 1761 Memorial
Found Woodford SP on the East side of town. Only 5 other campsites were occupied. Went to the furthest point in the park and dropped anchor. Quiet and eerie away from people. No electric or water at site but weather permits this and there is a bathhouse nearby.

Little Pond, VT
 Hiked in the Green Mt National Forest on Little Pond Trail the next morning. It was a snowmobile trail so it was wider and we were able to manage a jog stroller most of the way. 2 1/2 hours with a child. He wanted to throw rocks and sticks the whole way which delayed us. I almost turned around when I saw what looked like fresh paw prints of a momma and baby bear. My husband demanded we plow ahead but picked up a big stick at that time. Made it unmauled to the pond. The way back was quicker with Big B sleeping.

Woodford SP

Went to Bennington for coffee and ice cream. What an idyllic town. Not sure what winter is like though. Brrrrr!

Bennington, VT

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amish are neat people

Left Malvern and headed to Lancaster, PA to see how the Amish live. The farms were as I remembered,   meticulous but simple. The laundry was hung out to dry at almost every farm. The lines were strung on a pulley system from the house to the top of the barn. All the mens' black clothes hanging was interesting. No loud colors or prints hanging on the lines. The horses were pulling the farm equipment in the fields or buggies through town. Such an awesome site.
We stopped in Intercourse, PA. Who would name that town? Were they trying to piss off the Amish? Of course we had to stop and get fresh veggies, cheese and baked goods. So fresh and yummy.

After a day of driving by beautiful farms we stopped for the night in Wilkes-Barre, PA at Frances Slocum SP. Frances was kidnapped by the Delaware Indians at 5 yrs old and taken out west and never returned to PA. She lived with the Indians her whole life. Her siblings found her and begged her to return but she refused.
The campground was not very full, but the people that were there are all older and veterans. Maybe it is the norm for veterans to all camp in RVs. They all have there cute signs, flags and decorations that show their style. I would hate to see some of their yards back home.
We decided since AC was not a necessity that we would camp in the tent area away from all of them. Plus I heard a loud talker and yappy dog in the RV area. The park ranger said he had never seen an RV in the tent area so he stopped to talk. He even drove back to the office and got us a PA map. What a nice guy. Most State Park employees have been exceptionally nice.

A good night's sleep and we were on our way to VT. We passed by Scranton, PA but did not see Dunder Mifflin.

Sunset at Thousand Islands

Sunset at Thousand Islands
Wellesley Island, NY