Saturday, June 25, 2011

Montreal great city but what's up with all the rain

Old Montreal
Made it into Canada by sweet talking the border woman. We forgot the registration for the camper and Barclay's birth certificate wasn't a certified copy. I read in the AAA book it only had to be a copy. Hope we can get back into The US!
Old Montreal is so European with it's cobblestone streets and sidewalk cafes. Everyone speaks French. It was fun translating signs for my husband. I should have had some real fun with that. The rain was on and off all weekend. It rained out what could have been a big day since it was a holiday. St Jean Baptiste celebration and then a Jazz fest that looked a little soggy. We found a Biodome to get away from the rain. Awesome display of ecosystems. Of course the penguins are always the favorites.

Chinatown was only a few blocks from Old Montreal and only a few blocks wide itself. It had gates like the Chinatown in San Francisco. I did not see Nigerians selling fake Coach and Gucci purses and Rolex watches.

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Sunset at Thousand Islands

Sunset at Thousand Islands
Wellesley Island, NY