Sunday, July 10, 2011

Niagara Falls

Horseshoe Falls looking toward Canada- notice the rainbow in rt corner
So I finally saw Niagara Falls. Felt good to see such an American beauty on the 4th of July. It looked like others were feeling the same way. A lot of Canadians were there also. The town of Niagara needs to work on their aesthetics. It looks like 1970's hotels and tourist traps. I was informed from my Wall Street Journal reading father-in-law that a NY businessman bought all the property and is just sitting on it to turn a profit later. In the mean time Niagara Falls downtown will look empty and dated.

Our camping was on Lake Ontario once more. Four Mile Creek State Park was great. Toronto was visible across the Lake. We got to watch fireworks from our camper. We met a family from Frankfurt Germany.3 boys with different levels of English. All were great fun for Barclay. They tried to teach him soccer.

We have noticed in all the NY State Parks that we are one of only a few out of state visitors. A lot of the campers were even local and had only driven a short way to the campground. They all looked at us like we were crazy. I have seen some crazy campers but we are not them!

We were lucky to get back over the Canadian border with one expired passport. My stepson grabbed the wrong passport when leaving Chicago. Travelling by land is a little more forgiving. The border guard said at least we could prove his citizenship with the old passport. Crystal Beach is where our friend Debbie lives in the summers with her husband and 3 children. She grew up sailing on Cowan Lake (Ohio) with my husband. She is still very active and even sails in St Pete in the Lighting Midwinters every year. This is the first time we had been to her sailing arena. Her club, the Buffalo Canoe Club, is in Canada.Go figure? And.... I didn't see canoes just sailboats.

Debbie's house on Crystal Beach, Ontario

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Sunset at Thousand Islands

Sunset at Thousand Islands
Wellesley Island, NY